Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Ingalls are "Weathering the Blast"

 I often ask myself, "How did Laura Ingalls Wilder get through hard times?"  The Ingalls family didn't lack challenges.  There was ice in the water bucket and no central heating.  During this period of self-quarantine, I decided to reread The Long Winter to discover - What Would Laura Do?

Chapter 13 begins with another row of frosted nails, another layer of ice in the water bucket, and another blizzard.  Laura and Ma get up to wash their faces and start breakfast.  Pa has gone out to the stables and returns "Hungry as a wolf."  For breakfast there are hot cakes, crisp slices of fat pork, and dried-apple sauce!  (I can just see the Masters tucking into this plentiful breakfast.  Grrr.)

I wonder what time the Ingalls wake up in the morning?  There can't be much to do, other than tend the animals, during a blizzard.  After breakfast, Ma suggests they get the work done so they can "sit by the fire with an easy conscience."  This is an opportune time to compare Laura's chores to my chores. 

It could always be worse.  My chore list could begin with collecting buffalo dung for fuel.
 Laura's chores:

1. Put on beans to parboil.  
2.  Wash the dishes.
3.  Wonder how cold it is at the shanty.
4. Sweep the kitchen.
5.  Make the beds.  (Surprise!  Since the attic is frigid, Ma says the beds can air out for the day.)

Prairie Eydie's chores:

1.  Wonder what to make for dinner.
2.  Wash the dishes.
3.  Wonder how long the quarantine will last.
4.  Sweep the kitchen.
5.  Air out the beds.  (I have heard that making your bed every day will either make you happier or change your life.)

Pa decides to go over to Fuller's to hear the news.  He thinks someone may be lost in the storm.  Personally, I think someone (i.e. Pa) wants to get away from the women folk. 

Fun Loving Ma
Ma says a blizzard outside is no reason for gloom in the house.  So, she comes up with a super fun game for the girls to play.  "Now Mary," Ma said, "you tell us a verse, then Laura will do the same, and then Carrie.  See which one can keep on longest."  (I bet Laura is waxing nostalgic over the game of batting around a pig bladder.  Oh, the good ol' days in Pepin, Wisconsin.)  
Back when games were FUN!
I will cut to the chase, the game ends in a tie between Mary and Laura.  Laura feel shame for always wanting to beat Mary, especially since Laura can never be as good as Mary.  Laura makes a mental promise to be a school teacher and earn money to send Mary to college.

My daughter, Lulu, had to create a board game for Art class.  She didn't like the assignment at first, but got into the swing of things.  Her game is called "Random Things" and it involves challenges like "Dancing in the Front Lawn" and "Putting on a Sock Puppet Show."  The game is a hit and we play it nightly, since Lulu keeps adding fresh cards.  

Pa returns from Fullers with the weather report (It is forty degrees below zero) and news that all the towns people are accounted for.

Continuing in the theme of Ma's game, Pa plays hymns on his fiddle to pass time.  His tunes once again gets the family singing lustily and marching about.

WWLD Summary:
Complete chores first thing in the morning.
Play competitive games with your family.
Sing and march around the house.

Throwback photo of Prairie Lulu and her Prairie Mama

See you soon for Chapter 14 - "One Bright Day"

Prairie Eydie


  1. That throwback picture of you and Lulu is so cute. Number 3 on your chore list of wondering when the quarantine will be over I think resonates with all of us. Thanks for writing these as they cheer me up

  2. Thanks for reading! I LOVE writing these post for people to read. I am thinking I could start a new blog called - What Would Nancy Drew Do? I LOVED her books as a kid.
