I have subscribed to Oprah's magazine, O, since its 2010 inception. For the last 17 years, the final page of the magazine is Oprah waxing poetic on things she knows for sure. Apparently, long ago Gene Siskel asked Oprah, "What do you know for sure?" At the time, she didn't have an answer, but now answers the questions every month in her magazine. I am opinionated and decided to take a stab at it myself.
What I (Prairie Eydie) Know for Sure
Hey people. Be nice. Life was hard in the late 1800s. |
Think back to what you LOVED doing when you were 8 and start doing it again. These activities will bring you joy. When I was eight years old, I loved to do four things: type original stories and poems on my mom's manual typewriter (it was pink!), cut up magazines, pick wildflowers in the field behind our house, and reread books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. At age 49, these activities still bring me joy. Though they are manifested in a different way. Now I blog, create collages, garden, and reread Laura Ingalls books with my daughter.
What you enjoy doing may not look like what others like to do, and that is okay. You don't have to pretend to be a canoeing enthusiast if it makes your lower back scream and you think drinking beer on sandbars is boring. Stay home and decorate cupcakes instead. I used to pretend to love yoga, but I am done with that charade. Just thinking about yoga makes my neck hurt. Yeah. Yeah. I know how beneficial yoga is, I still don't want to do it.
Leggings are not pants, no matter how comfortable, buttery soft, and magical they are to wear. I don't need to expand on this topic because you all know what I am talking about.
I made this collage last week, as a reminder to "Wear Joy." |
Wear what makes you happy every day - i.e. wear your joy. My mom loves all things cowgirl and has started wearing cowboy boots with everything. I tried to ignore this fashion faux pas, but had to say something when she started wearing rhinestone spurs with her boots. "Mom! You either need to stop this or move to Texas!"
For those of you who know my mother, it comes as no surprise that she didn't stop wearing her boots and still lives in Wisconsin. I now understand mom is wearing her joy when she wears her boots. She is also wearing her joy when she wears seven rings at once. I am lucky to have such an awesome role model.
Yee-haw! This is just the beginning of things I know for sure. What do you know for sure?
Prairie Eydie
Thanks Steph. I come from a long line of women who love to accessorize. I am actually working on a series of "Wear Your Joy" collages - it seems to be my thing. I hope you bought some joyful jewelry in Hawaii. :-)