Just another Saturday morning at Prairie Sherry's house. Hopefully she'll invite me over for a cuppa joe after she finishes her chores.
NOTE: If you want to check out more of Prairie Sherry's musings, check out the blog we co-created: http://www.prairiegrlz.blogspot.com. Her most popular blog was, "Did Ma Wear a Bra?" It has the in-depth reporting you'd expect from a Prairie Grl.
Let's continue our "Art of Aging" journey with an interview from, friend of the blog, Prairie Sherry.
Setting: A Saturday morning at Lazy Jane's Café. We find out heroine, semi-retired from an expansive career in education, tucking into a delicious pecan pancake. A steaming cup of dark roast is waiting for her attention.
Prairie Eydie: What would you say are the best things about aging?
Prairie Sherry: The ability to try things and not worry about consequences because you'll be dead soon. I have done more things since turning 60 than I have done in years. (Don't let this statement mislead you. Sharon has done PLENTY prior to turning 60.)
Prairie Eydie: Like what?
Too bad Sharon didn't ask me before going under the needle. This would have made quite a statement tattoo.
Prairie Sherry:
- working out (I am happy to report that even though Sharon wears leggings to work out in, she hasn't joined the legions of people wearing leggings as pants.)
- getting my first tattoo (A chickadee on her forearm. I personally would have recommended a Garth Williams illustration of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her sister Mary playing with a pig's bladder.)
- going on vacations to relax and not feeling obliged to do "touristy" things
- growing my hair out
- no more "To Do" lists (Gasp. This is actually more shocking that Sharon growing her hair out.)
- abandoning books and movies I don't like
- giving myself permission to buy the laundry sorter I always dreamed of (Too bad she didn't give herself permission to do this when her three daughters were at home.)
- not having to host play dates unless it is with my grandchildren
- spending money on quality groceries and not eating junk (I am pretty sure the "junk" Sharon is referring to is inexpensive ground beef.)
Prairie Eydie: What are the worst things about aging?
Prairie Eydie: Surely there are some downsides to aging.
Prairie Sherry: Well, being "talked around" by younger people is annoying. It is like they think I couldn't possibly be funny or tuned into what they are saying because I am older. I also don't like it when people assume I can't lift heavy boxes. (Personally, I love it when people make this assumption about me.)
I don't care how timeless this book is - I am not adding it to my summer reading list.
Here is an idea for Sharon's next tattoo.
. . . and the interview pretty much deteriorated from here. I asked Sharon what her favorite books were and she couldn't come up with any titles. ("Senior Moment" Sharon?) Finally she thought of Watership Down, by Richard Adams. This being one of the few fantasy books she has ever gotten into.
You know. That Bruce song when he sings about loyalty and looks really intense when he sings it? You know that song. Right???
I then asked Sharon about her all time favorite songs. Her favorite song is Bruce Springsteen's "If I Should Fall" - even though I had to tell her what the title was. To her credit, she did know the song was about someone falling behind.
Until next time,
Prairie Eydie