Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Art of Not Being Perfect

So often we let perfection stop us from starting.  My friend, Julia, summed it up perfectly.  She said she was going to quit taking piano lessons because she wasn't very good at it. 

I have fallen into that mindset so many times.  Here are some examples that might sound familiar:

I can't write because I don't have the perfect notebook.  And if I actually have the perfect notebook, I still can't write because I don't have a system to organize my writing.   


I can't rearrange my living room because my couch can't be moved due to heat registers.


I can't workout because gym memberships are too expensive.  

Life is easier when I don't have the right notebook, when my couch can't be moved, and when my heart beat stays at a resting rate.  But, I want to write, I want more living room seating, and I feel better when I work out.  

I decided to tackle these issues in an imperfect way.  

  • I started writing in the notebook I actually had in a drawer.  I figure organizing my writing can happen later, the important thing is to fill pages with writing.  
  • I invited my friend over who loves to rearrange furniture.  (We ALL have at least one friend who loves moving around furniture.)  She started moving things before taking her coat off.  According to her, lots of people have couches in front of heat registers.  Mind blown.  I now have three more places for people to sit.   
  • I dusted off my workout DVDs and am now working out three days a week in my basement.  I would get a more efficient, effective workout at the gym, but this is better than sitting on my heat-vent-blocking-couch and wishing I could join a gym.
Imagine where you could be in January 2020, it you started doing things imperfectly.

What could you start to do imperfectly?

Prairie Eydie

P.S. My friend, Julia, is continuing on with her piano lessons.   



  1. Way to go, Julia and Prairie Eydie! I have been so absorbed in gaining my boss' approval this year that I haven't stopped to look at all the awesome things going on with my students and in my classroom. My husband recently reminded me that, "It's not about her. It's about your students and how much you care about them. Think about them, and you will be happy with all the work you are putting in." How perfect is THAT idea?! ...Now I just need to listen to him! =) Good luck with your pretty darn amazing "imperfection"!

  2. I am SO proud of Julia for continuing with her lessons. A wonderful thing happens when you approach 50 - you stop caring about approval from people. It is good that wonderful things happen with aging - it off sets the low metabolism and inability to leave the house after 7 PM. Your husband is super smart. I know your students adore you just as much as I do.
